MS Board of Nursing Home Administrators

Today is:

  Board Members / Staff

  • 73-17-7. Board of nursing home administrators - membership - appointment -organization
  • Section 73-17-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is reenacted as follows:

  • (1)“...This board shall consist of seven (7) persons, in addition to thestate health officer, or his designee, who shall be an ex-officio member without voting privilege.....The members of this board shall include the following:

  • (a)One (1) educator with expertise in the field of health care and associated at the time of his appointment with an institution of higher learning within the State of Mississippi.

    (b)A registered nurse.

    (c)A licensed and practicing medical doctor or physician.

    (d)Three (3) licensed and practicing nursing home administrators, no more than one (1) of whom shall be from the same Supreme Court district, who shall have at least five (5) years’ actual experience as a nursing home administrator.

    (e)A hospital administrator.

  • Only board members who are nursing home administrators may have a direct financial interestin any nursing home.”
  • Board Members
  • Nursing Home Administrator from Northern Supreme Court District
  • Mr. Rob Skelton
    Rienzi, MS
  • Nursing Home Administrator from Central Supreme Court District
  • Mr. Chad Blackard
    Madison, MS
  • Nursing Home Administrator from Southern Supreme Court District
  • Mrs. Alicia Tice
    Wiggins, MS
  • Educator
  • Dr. Elizabeth Tinnon
    Hattiesburg, MS
  • Registered Nurse
  • Mr. Tony Hamrick, Chairman
    Laurel, MS
  • Physician
  • Dr. Micah Walker
    Flora, MS
  • Hospital Administrator
  • Christopher Threadgill
    Ackerman, MS
  • Staff
  • Executive Director - Carrie Rowden
  • Customer Service Representative – Janice Farr